Senator Brett

Step off the Edge, Feel Your Lungs!

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TOTD – Starving is an Option?!

Disclaimer: This is, in no way, meant to distract from the real problems of eating disorders. And I truly applaud those who are willing to admit to their struggles in order to help others in similar situations.

But the bastard in me has to add…

Thought of the Day – Starving is an Option?!

by Senator Brett

In an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine for their September issue a star of the television show “Pretty Little Liars” opened up about her recent struggles with an eating disorder. I don’t know about you… but I don’t really trust her. On the other hand… she looked great while talking about it! Continue reading


Chickens Are Making Us Dumb!

Okay, so this is gonna be one of those posts that makes everyone mad. I’m okay with that. You know what… let’s just get right to it…

Chickens Are Making Everyone Dumb!

by Senator Brett

Okay, this Chick-fil-A thing is getting WAY out of hand! And, not just on one side of the issue… on all sides. Actually, to be honest, the fact that this thing is even risen to the title of “issue” is a sad commentary on the state of our national discourse. So, seriously, everyone just stop for the next few minutes. Take a little bit of your time, read this, and then decide if what you are doing/saying/thinking makes any sense at all.

1. To the mayors that are trying to keep Chick-fil-A out of your cities:

Stop! Just stop… you’re a mayor… a mayor… not Idi Amin! Continue reading

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TOTD – Parental Discretion is Advised?!

Okay, look… I know… I know… I need to develop a different sense of humor. For some reason, no matter what I try, my mind always leads to the sophomoric and low-brow. It’s where my brain lives, apparently. I promise to TRY to come up with clever and funny things that are wholesome and good, and I promise that I have been trying… it’s just not working out very well. At all. 🙂

Also, I think I will start posting videos in these entries with songs that are kinda blowing me away at the moment, or that I stumbled across and love, or… just songs that I have always loved and think that you should listen to because I said so. So it is written, so shall it be. 

And since I’ve been largely absent these last few weeks I am going to give you two TOTD’s. I know… I know… I am a giver! It’s just that what I am giving is usually not something people are interested in… like Chia Pets… or Libertarians. 🙂

Lastly, and this is MUY IMPORTANTE (which, as we all know, is Spanish for “superwichtig”)… the following TOTD’s Continue reading

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TOTD – Happy Freedom Day, Aliens!

Okay, this might be a little lazy, but the truth is that I am reposting this for a specific reason. There have been only a few times in my life that I have experienced racism. Actually, I can only recall one other incident… and that was from a cop in Florida who insisted that I was a drug dealer, or had drugs, or was on drugs, or was thinking about drugs… and who had pulled me over for no other reason. Couldn’t even give me a ticket for speeding, but kept me there for a little over half an hour waiting for me to confess. (After the search I met my friends at Waffle House, ate a hearty breakfast, then went back to our campsite and got WAY baked… and then had a wonderful day at the beach! :p )

But, on Monday, at the hospital, I saw blatant racism against Hispanics, in general… and it really pissed me off. I will explain it all sometime soon when I share the entire story (which will be hilarious!). Don’t get me wrong… it was not from everyone on the staff… there were/are some great men and women (mostly the women) that were very helpful and that were actually concerned for everyone. But, there were two bad apples (sorry, male nurses) that actually shocked me because I have been so sheltered that I have never really seen, or heard, true racism.

I really would like everyone to watch the video at the end of this TOTD. It sums up EXACTLY how I feel about this issue. I cannot think of a better way to express my thoughts… so I am sharing this… again. All I ask from my friends, and family, and people reading this (who I consider “friends” now) is to be thoughtful… to think… to mull this issue over in your mind… and no matter the outcome of that… at least there has been a willful thought process… and that is all I want.

Oh, and if you enjoyed this, if it made you laugh, or think, or even want to use the restroom… please, follow the blog, sign up for the email, and “like” my Facebook page. When I get to a 1,000 followers and 200 “likes”… they give all my fans a free car of their choice. Honest to God… I would not lie to you about that! (Disclaimer: Senator Brett is like all politicians… therfore… a HUGE liar!)

Thought of the Day – Happy Freedom Day, Aliens!

by Senator Brett

On today, of all days, may we internally remember that while our country is so divided on so many, MANY, social and political issues… if our spirit is good, our minds are clear, our eyes are awake and our books are laid open and used… then we, as one nation, can accomplish so many great things. Happy 4th of July, everyone.

Although, to be fair, Continue reading

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TOTD – I Got Your Equal Rights Right Here!

Disclaimer: This is NOT a true statement or news report! I repeat… this is NOT a true statement or news report!!! I peat.. it’s just humorous… and kinda sad that it could have been a true statement and news report.

Thought of the Day – I Got Your Equal Rights Right Here!

by Senator Brett

From the A-Holed News Press

(Madison, Wisconsin) – Wisconsin State Governor, Scott Walker, met with state legislators today to address the opinion that the state might be losing a public relations perception battle over the issue of Equal Rights. He said that he expected his office had aptly handled the situation by issuing the following statement: “Now that ‘Magic Mike’ has been released… we can all agree that true equality of the sexes has taken place. We men have our little discretionary films of T&A… and now women have their movie of biceps and abs. I, personally, find it a great social justice that our entertainment values are on the same playing field.”

However, Continue reading


TOTD – I Support the Poor!

TOTD – I Support The Poor!

by Senator Brett

It seems that the only way the majority of people denote that they support a cause, or a group of people, is by wearing ribbons. Breast cancer has them. The troops have them. Even “Free Tibet” has ribbons. Hell, the other day I saw someone wearing a ribbon that was just clear. I asked him what it stood for and he said Continue reading

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Multiple TOTD’s – You Can Never Think Too Much!

Since it is Memorial Day I thought it best to dole out three TOTD’s. My thinking… it was a three-day-weekend… why not a three-thought-post. I don’t know why I am telling you this other than to point out that I am good at math. 
Thought of the Day – Living Life Like a Country Song
by Senator Brett
Tim McGraw keeps telling me to live like I was dying… Continue reading

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TOTD – My Coffee Habit is Saving The Earth

Thought of the Day – My Coffee Habit is Saving the Earth!

by Senator Brett

Yesterday was Earth Day. And for those of you that know me… you know that I am somewhat wishy-washy when it comes to things like the environment. I believe there is a lot more the human race should be doing to preserve our planet for future generations, but I also drink a lot of bottled water and only recycle when it is easily available. I believe that the oil companies don’t do nearly enough to make up for the devastation they cause in certain parts of the world and their overall impact on our planet; however, if they were to offer me a job making great money, I’d gladly accept. So, like I said… Continue reading