Senator Brett

Step off the Edge, Feel Your Lungs!

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They’re Not REAL Muslims?! WTF?!

For the past several months I have sequestered myself from most social media. For some reason I’ve found myself boarding the train of thought that vast amounts of social media is mostly mindless and mostly pointless… unless you are trying to create a business or be the next Beatles. However, in light of the events in Paris yesterday I do have some thoughts that I’d like to share. And, as with all things of opinion and commentary, these words are to be taken with a grain of salt… or maybe some whiskey.

“They’re not REAL Muslims. WTF?!”

by Senator Brett

Last night I found myself almost angry. The senseless and brutal murders of cartoonists and satirists in Paris not only bothered me, but it left me with a feeling of “it’s only gonna get worse.” How is it that we live in a world where Continue reading