Senator Brett

Step off the Edge, Feel Your Lungs!

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Why These Olympics Are The Most Important Olympics in American History

Why These Olympics Are The Most Important Olympics Ever For America
by Senator Brett

I love the Olympics. Always have. Always will. When I was a kid I thought that maybe one day I would be in the Olympics as a sprinter, or maybe a soccer player. As a kid I was pretty dumb. And, as an adult, I’m still pretty dumb… but for entirely different reasons.

But, as dumb as I may be, Continue reading

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TOTD – Baseball & Jesus?!

Senator Brett’s Positively Cynical Thought of the Morning:

The Astros are playing good ball while most people, in general, agree that the world is headed to Hell. It occurred to me this morning that, knowing my luck, there’s probably a good chance that the Astros will make it to the World Series, be up 3 games to 1… and then, BAM, Jesus comes back. And, then it’s me in a lonely seat watching my friends and family float away. The World Series would, most likely, be canceled because there wouldn’t be enough players. Because, if all their post interviews are accurate, all the players love God. They sure do thank Him a lot.

But, don’t worry, football fans… the NFL ain’t goin’ nowhere! Those guys are mostly criminals. Hell, the Cincinnati Bengals wouldn’t lose a soul (literally) and would be the favorites for a Superbowl run.


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TOTD – Time is Relative?!

TOTD – Time is Relative?!

by Senator Brett

I saw an ad on Facebook that said, “Become a drug counselor in 17 months.” And, I thought, “Screw that! That sounds like a REALLY long time! I’ll just become a drug addict! That takes, like five days! And, there’s, like ZERO classes! And, from what I can tell… Continue reading

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They’re Not REAL Muslims?! WTF?!

For the past several months I have sequestered myself from most social media. For some reason I’ve found myself boarding the train of thought that vast amounts of social media is mostly mindless and mostly pointless… unless you are trying to create a business or be the next Beatles. However, in light of the events in Paris yesterday I do have some thoughts that I’d like to share. And, as with all things of opinion and commentary, these words are to be taken with a grain of salt… or maybe some whiskey.

“They’re not REAL Muslims. WTF?!”

by Senator Brett

Last night I found myself almost angry. The senseless and brutal murders of cartoonists and satirists in Paris not only bothered me, but it left me with a feeling of “it’s only gonna get worse.” How is it that we live in a world where Continue reading

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Possibly Offensive, But Sadly True, TOTD

Well, let’s ruffle some feathers… 🙂

Possibly Offensive, But Sadly True, TOTD

by Senator Brett

This whole Eric Garner grand jury decision has really polarized our social collective. And, while I normally tend to observe and point out the negative side of things I think it’s kinda sad that no one Continue reading

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The Good Stuff, Or Something Close To It

The Good Stuff, Or Something Close To It

by Senator Brett

If you happen to be still reading this book then trust me when I say that it is not lost on me that the general tone of its conversation may come across as somewhat negative, maybe even a little condemning. While I can’t answer for Continue reading

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Quick Draw (Excerpt From “My Little Book of Essays”)

Years ago I started writing for the sake of it. I spent nights in the streets of Houston… living it Out Loud and Without Regret. I met a lot of great people, and some, not so much. But, the experience was real… and good, and I have always appreciated it. For several years now I have not addressed it, or even tried to make contact with that past, but, I have found myself wanting to get back into it since I have found myself back in this pace for a couple of months now.

When I say that I was in “the streets” I do mean, “in the streets.” Part of what I was trying to do was to be involved in the “matter” of the moment. Being connected to the story was all that mattered to me and it ended up involving days, weeks, spent being homeless, hanging out with derelicts, and the rest. I literally lay my head on the cement for days just to get a conversation with someone who did that for years. I smoked everything with everyone just to hear them speak. When I finally hit the road to pursue the book… anything went. When it comes to the Living… there is no amount of Life that is off-Limits, I feel.
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Galileo vs. “God Did It!” (Excerpt From FTOF)

Galileo vs. “God Did It!”

by Senator Brett

I’m about to say a word that might offend a lot who stand on the “religious right” side of most social and political issues.


Yeah, you heard me correctly… Continue reading

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The Circle of Belief (From Conflicted)

Written by Conflicted Pastor -not me- for the book “Fumbling Through Our Faith”

The Circle of Belief

by Conflicted Pastor

There are many things in our lives that are as real as we choose to make them. Some things we dismiss immediately, while other things we choose to hang on to. What is the difference between the two? What makes us believe one thing and not another? My immediate answer to this is Continue reading